Read to Lead
Amber is the creator of the The Navigator Series, a book series for young readers on leadership. Her readers are curious young minds who seek curious conversations about the journey to success and entrepreneurship. You can find the books here.
Can you tell us about a mentor figure that has played a significant role in your life? What did they teach you?
One greatly significant person in my life was my grandma Ruthie. She touched countless lives in every community she was a part of. Growing up she was everyone's grandma. She gave and she gave endlessly to so many and I saw her level of impact through the simple act of serving and loving others- no matter what.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
My first job was at a local restaurant as a food-runner. I started at 16 and I worked there all throughout high school and even on school breaks during college. I was eventually moved to a server and loved the pay increase as a server. I think everyone should be a server at some point in their life as you learn the value of hard work, how to serve others, and how to be a team player in a workplace. I also place a high importance on having a job early in life. I was a focused student, athlete, and social with my friends, but there is something to be said about earning your own funds as a young person and learning the real value of a dollar.
How did you know when you had found your ideal career path?
My day job is in finance and accounting, and I do feel like I was designed for this line of work. When I look back to what I loved to do when I was younger (add up all shopping receipts), I clearly had a love for counting cash. While I did not major in accounting for my undergrad, I went back to school at age 29 for a masters in accounting, I have now worked in the field and I feel like this is exactly what I was designed to do.
What is your view on failure?
What I feel now about failure is not what I felt when I was younger. I now see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. When I was younger it was the worst thing ever- I did not see any positive in failure. I tried to be perfect and in striving for perfection, as I now look back I see that I didn’t push myself, I would take an easier route bc I know I would do better that way.
What is your personal definition of success?
For me, success means doing what lights you up inside, doing what you were designed for, and being able to use that for the benefit of your livelihood. I love what I am doing for a profession and I am able to contribute to the well-being of my family.